My name is Angela Midgette-David and I am running for a position on the Englewood School Board. I am a homeowner, a mother of three daughters who were born and raised in Englewood and currently attend our public school system. My husband was also born and raised in Englewood and is a 23 year veteran currently with the Englewood Fire Department.
As a product of the Public School System, my educational accomplishments are B.A. in Organizational Management from Ashford University, M.Ed in Special education from Saint Thomas University, CPM (Certified Property Manager) Designated from New York University Continuing Education and NYS Licensed Real Estate Broker
As a staple in our community, I know our community is based on ethics, values and a strong educational system. My family has benefited greatly from the Englewood school community and I know our Englewood children can also benefit. It takes a village to raise a child and my fiduciary responsibility is to make sure all children are given the same opportunity. I would like to have more collaborative programs with other city agencies and volunteers.

We cannot continue to let so many of our youngsters fail. I will work to have all paths to their success available, strengthened and constantly monitored
As a board member, I am ready and willing to work hard for the integrity of our children because they deserve better. As a mother of three daughters currently in the school system, I understand the value of ALL children.
That all sounds pretty great, doesn't it? An acquaintance recently referred to it as "goodwill pablum" and I must admit that it fits.
(Angela Midgette-David rides once again on the fact that her husband is a Firefighter and DMHS graduate. What about you, Mrs. David? Who are you? Where did you graduate High School? Did you get your HS Diploma on line also?
Mrs. David like Kim Donaldson was silent for 2 years and voted as if by rote just like the others.) Is Angela Midgette-David using the fact that her husband is a 25 year Englewood firefighter to impress those who do not know her and to intimidate those who know her all too well? Well, her husband does not stack up so well when it comes to abiding by the law either. She even used the fact that her husband is a Fireman in her answer to the School Ethics Commission when a complaint was filed against her. I am still wondering what the Ethics Commission was thinking.
March of 2018, This very same Angela Midgette-David, a member of the Englewood Board of Education decided that she would open a youth camp. She spoke to me about this idea at length. I told her that she had a marvelous idea, but that she should not move forward on opening in the Englewood School District because of the implication of impropriety and because of the NJ Code of Ethics for School Board Members. She spoke to Curtis Caviness and he told her the same thing. I even sent her a copy of the Ethics Code so she could make and informed decision
18A:12-2. Inconsistent interests or office prohibited
No member of any board of education shall be interested directly or indirectly in any contract with or claim against the board, nor, in the case of local and regional school districts, shall he hold office as mayor or as a member of the governing body of a municipality, nor, in the case of county special services school districts and county vocational school districts, shall he hold office as a member of the governing body of a county.
L.1967, c.271; amended by L.1981, c. 23, s. 1, eff. Feb. 6, 1981.
a. No school official or member of his immediate family shall have an interest in a business organization or engage in any business, transaction, or professional activity, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his duties in the public interest;b. No school official shall use or attempt to use his official position to secure unwarranted privileges, advantages or employment for himself, members of his immediate family or others;
h. No school official shall be deemed in conflict with these provisions if, by reason of his participation in any matter required to be voted upon, no material or monetary gain accrues to him as a member of any business, profession, occupation or group, to any greater extent than any gain could reasonably be expected to accrue to any other member of that business, profession, occupation or group;
I further explained that it would be a "Conflict of Interest" that would put the Superintendent, the
Business Administrator, all of the other School Board members plus any teachers she hired from the District in a very vulnerable position. I suggested that she open her Camp in
Business Administrator, all of the other School Board members plus any teachers she hired from the District in a very vulnerable position. I suggested that she open her Camp in
Time passed and she did not mention the Camp again in her many calls to my home. Meanwhile,
Mrs. David continued with her efforts and intentions to set up a Camp to be housed in an EPSD Facility. On March 6, 2018 an application was completed by ESTEPNJ, LLC. The application is supposedly made by Darryl David, Mrs. David's husband and his title is listed as partner. The Camp is listed on this application as a Summer Theatre Arts Camp. The request is for the Lunch Room. No rental fee is listed in the space provided. No payment is listed as received. There is no approval signature from the Superintendent or his designee. There is no signature indicating approval of the building Principal. It is a one page document.
On March 20, 2018, ESTEPNJ, LLC started advertising on Facebook. Keep in mind that the law says that one must have a license to operate prior to advertising such a business. The document attached was obtained by OPRA request and has not been altered in any manner. Notice on the line labeled Representative email, the applicant seens to begin to write her own name, crosses it out and writes her husband's name and email address. Keep in mind that Darryl David is Angela David's husband and is renting a facility for which they fully intend to make money.)
a. No school official or member of his immediate family shall have an interest in a business organization or engage in any business, transaction, or professional activity, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his duties in the public interest;
NJ has rules and regulations governing how Youth Camps are established and ran. One of those rules is that a Youth Camp must have a license to operate prior to even advertising the existence of the Camp. It is not a Camp until it has a license from the state of NJ.
Below is the beginnings of a book that I am writing: Portrait of a School Board Member allowed to Run Wild leaving havoc in her wake. It is A Timeline of Idiocy
March 6, 2018
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No signatures. Is this even valid? Is
this the way we want business
to be handled by out BA?
The Date on the Application for use of a School Facility.
This application was supposedly filled out
by Darryl David (husband) He lists his title as Partner. The application was completed in Angela David's handwriting. The application has some flaws. The rental fee is not filled in. The received payment line is not filled in. The Application is not signed and approved by an appropriate Board of Education Representative. The Application is not signed and approved by the building Principal. The application is not signed by anyone. Is it even legal? It lists that the Camp will be held in the "Lunch Room",
of Janis E. Dismus Middle School. Did Angela Midgette-David use her influence a School Board member to gain access to any part of the High School and Middle School Campuses that she wanted?
of Janis E. Dismus Middle School. Did Angela Midgette-David use her influence a School Board member to gain access to any part of the High School and Middle School Campuses that she wanted?
The Type of Activity is listed as a Summer Theatre Arts Camp
Hours: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm
Area requested: Requested only the "Lunch Room"
Dates for use of Facility June 25 - August 31, 2018

was allowed to make changes on the application after it
was submitted? Note that ESTEPNJ is to receive $140
weekly from each camper. 96 Campers were found in the
auditorium of the HS on June 29, 2018. That represents one
week and $13,440.00. Neither application is signed by
anyone. If one was allowed to go back and make changes,
why did no one think to get a signature on the contract? One should also keep in mind that Mrs. David does not have a license for the Camp at the time of application
to rent the facility.
The message I get from this is that no one wanted to take the responsibility for this catastrophe waiting to happen. I was told that this application was handled in the same way as all applications for facilities rental are handled. Based on information obtained via OPRA, that is not a true statement of fact. The minutes for September 13, 2018 also record the Board Attorney stating that ESTEPNJ had a contract with the Board of Education. Is that a contract? It is not a contract according to the Business Administrator.)
March 20, 2018 - ESTEPNJ was not given a Provisional Certificate of License until May 9, 2018. Angela started advertising the CAMP on Facebook prior to getting a license. The law says that one must have a license prior to advertising a Camp.

Recorded March 29, 2018 - 2018 - 12:06 pm (It is a mystery to me why one would want to be on the
Board of Education with all of the conflicts while in the midst of losing one's home. Did Mrs. David have visions of making enough money on ESTEPNJ to get herself and her family out of debt?
April 19, 2018 - The Englewood Board of Education approved a Resolution (18F-102) on the recommendation of Robert Kravitz, Superintendent of Schools to rent school facilities to estepnj. (not specified) to ESTEPNJ from 6/25/18-8/31/18 for $24.750.00.
(Robert Kravitz recommended ESTEPNJ be rented the "lunch room" of Janis E. Dismus Middle School. The Application for rental was incomplete and did not contain the required signatures from the Superintendent, his designee or the building Principal. The BA processed the request.
(Why did Mrs. David put the Superintendent, the BA, the Teachers she hired, the children of Administrators that she hired in such a pickle knowing that she was indeed in conflict with the School Ethics Commission N.J.A.S.A18A:12-24. Conflicts of Interest. Did Angela Midgette-David use her position on the Board in an attempt to make enough cash to get herself out of financial trouble? Did she pressure the Superintendent, the BA and others into giving her what she needed in order to take her chance at making this money? Is this the reason that she accepted children in diapers all the way up to age 16? Did Angela Midgette-David ever intend to pay the full rental amount to the Board of Education?)
(Why did Mrs. David put the Superintendent, the BA, the Teachers she hired, the children of Administrators that she hired in such a pickle knowing that she was indeed in conflict with the School Ethics Commission N.J.A.S.A18A:12-24. Conflicts of Interest. Did Angela Midgette-David use her position on the Board in an attempt to make enough cash to get herself out of financial trouble? Did she pressure the Superintendent, the BA and others into giving her what she needed in order to take her chance at making this money? Is this the reason that she accepted children in diapers all the way up to age 16? Did Angela Midgette-David ever intend to pay the full rental amount to the Board of Education?)
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Of Course the Middle School
Cafeteria earned a Satisfactory.
May 9, 2018 - The Englewood Health Department inspected the facilities at the Middle School. The Middle School Facility was deemed satisfactory. The Sanitation Inspection Report is not specific. The Inspector was Jennifer Galarza. This is listed as Exhibit 5 in Angela's response to Janna Smith's complaint filed at the School Ethics Commission.
May 25, 2018 - (Health Inspector Reported Timeline) Jennifer Galarza documents. "I contacted Mrs. David and left a voicemail stating we saw a flier of the ESTEPNJ youth camp at city hall and noticed that she is not registered with the State of New Jersey."
May 29, 2018 - (Health Inspector Reported Timeline) Jennifer Galarza documents: "I returned Mrs. David's call and gave her directions on how to apply with the state of New Jersey. I also emailed her youth camp related paper works via email."
(Keep in mind that Mrs. David has already been approved as a renter by the Board of Education. She was approved to rent the space in a public session with a unanimous yes vote. They approved her rental of the "Lunch Room" at Janis E. Dismus Middle School. The School Facilities Rental application was not signed by anyone and no downpayment was listed. The Health Department went above and beyond in helping the ESTEPNJ Camp. Why? Was Angela Midgette-David using her position on the Board of Education to make things go her way?)
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ESTEPNJ Provisional
Certificate of License
(Many of these requirements were not met. Note that this is a provisional license and there is a stipulation contained. Angela Midgette-David should not have gotten over $7,000.00 credit when she was closed. She did not have approval from the NJ Department of Health to open. Were the taxpayers of Englewood lost out on this one while the Renter has basically let off the hook after committing a series of 4th degree infractions?
May 30, 2018 - (Health Inspector Reported Timeline) Jennifer Galarza documents: "Mrs. David sent me an email stating that she is licensed with the state and that she would like to schedule an appointment with me. An appointment was scheduled for Monday, June 4, 2019 at 1pm."
June 4, 2018 - (Health Inspector Reported Timeline) Jennifer Galarza documents: "Mrs. David came to the Health Department and met with Inspector Priscilla Lewis and myself. At the meeting we discussed how to prepare for the pre-opening Youth Camp Inspection. We gave her a copy of the New Jersey Youth Rule - N.J.A.C 8:25, A Youth Camp Safety Detailed Data Sheet (for Youth Camp Operators), and a large binder. She advised us that she will begin working on it and she will schedule another appointment to review the binder."
June 7, 2018 - The check for $4,800.00 was deposited to the EPSD General Fund at TD Bank on behalf of ESTEPNJ.
(Based on the EPSD Policy on Facilities rental, the payment should have been one half of $24,750.00 total charge for the rental and the remainder should have been paid in 30 days. Why was this done differently for Mrs. David and ESTEPNJ?)
June 20, 2018 - (Health Inspector Reported Timeline) Jennifer Galarza Documents: "I contacted Mrs. David to inquire about the status of the binder and the gathering of the paperwork. I also wanted to let her know that she must make an appointment for the pre-opening Inspection either Thursday or Friday. She advised me that she would call me back with the date and time."
June 21, 2018 - (Health Inspector Reported Timeline) Jennifer Galarza Documents: " I called Mrs. David and there was no answer. I was unable to leave a voicemail because the mailbox was full."
June 22, 2018 - (Health Inspector Reported Timeline) Jennifer Galarza documents: "I called Mrs. David and there was no answer. I was unable to leave a voice mail because the mailbox was full. Mrs. David called me back at 10:12 am. I advised her that if she wants to open on Monday, June 25th she must pass the pre-opening Inspection. We scheduled the pre-opening Inspection for 1pm later that day. I also contacted the State of New Jersey Department of Health via email to advise them that the Youth Camps binder may not be completely ready by today. I was advised by the state Department of Health to complete as much as I can and if there are major things missing to contact them for a follow up. Mrs. David arrived at the Englewood Health Department at 2:30pm. Mrs. David provided me with a completely empty binder. She advised me that she will have Lisa Wisotsky email her resume. She also advised me that she will not be accepting the 140 kids that pre-registered for the camp because they only paid the $20 registration fee and did not pay the two weeks. Advanced payment. She will now have approximately 40 kids. After about 45 minutes into the appointment, Beatrice Reynolds advised me that there was someone in the lobby that would like to join the meeting. Carla Shears wanted to know what Mrs. David was missing so that she can help her with her binder. I advised Mrs. Shears that Mrs. David gave me an empty binder. I explained to Mrs. Shears that Mrs. David will not be able to open the entire weekend and she will get all of the documentation together. The pre-opening inspection was scheduled for Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at 2 pm."
(Emphasis, bold and italics are mine. On June 29, 2018, when the Director of the Health Department and 2 Health Officers finally caught up with Mrs. David's Camp, the Inspectors counted and documented that there were 96 children. Are the lies piling up for you? Also, why does Lisa Wisotsky have Angela David's resume? Was that a threat to make the Health Inspector fear for her job and stop asking questions? Dr. Lisa Witsotky was in effect the Chair of the Board of Health and had no control over the paid employees of the Health Department, who fall under the auspices of the City Manager.
Based on the CHANGES TO THE NEW JERSEY YOUTH CAMP SAFETY STANDARDS N.J.A.C. 8:25 Angela Midgette-David in no way qualifies to run a Youth Camp or a Day Care Center. Throughout all of this, there has been no mention of the fact that Angela Midgette-David's Camp took in children still in diapers. That is not a Youth Camp. That is a Day Care Center. Angela Midgette-David did not have a license to run a Day Care Center. The organization that she set up required 2 distinct licenses, one for a Youth Camp and another for a Day Care Center. Again, did Mrs. David use her position on the Board to bully anyone she pleased into giving her what she wanted? Did she bully the state of NJ?)
June 25, 2018 - Camp ESTEPNJ opened without proper certification and without state and local approval as per N.J.A.C 25:8-3.
(It should be noted here that ESTEPNJ was not closed down because of Criminal Background checks. It was never officially open, because Mrs. David never got the pre operation inspection that is required by law. She opened without approval and hid 96 children from the Health Inspectors for 4 days.)
June 26, 2018 - (Health Inspector Reported Timeline) Jennifer Galarza Documents: "On Tuesday, I received an email from Mrs. David stating that she wanted to reschedule the youth camp Pre-opening Inspection for Wednesday at 1pm and the campers new start date will be on Thursday, June 28, 2018."
June 27, 2018 - (Health Inspector Reported Timeline) Jennifer Galarza Documents: "On Wednesday, Mrs. Shears called me to reschedule the inspection for Thursday 2 pm at the Janis E. Dismus School."
(Readers should note how thorough Mrs. David was though out the clever ruse, avoiding detection by trained and qualified Health Professionals. Are premeditated lies and machinations to insure that she gets what she wants? This woman is now Chairperson of our Personnel Committee.
Is this conduct becoming of a school board member?Did Mrs. David just vote yes on Resolutions that have put School District employees out of work, and the charge was, in more than one instance, "conduct unbecoming"?)
Is this conduct becoming of a school board member?Did Mrs. David just vote yes on Resolutions that have put School District employees out of work, and the charge was, in more than one instance, "conduct unbecoming"?)
June 28, 2018 - (Health Inspector Reported Timeline) Jennifer Galarza Documents: "On Thursday, Mrs. Shears called me in the morning and we changed the meeting location to the Health Department. Mrs. Shears came to the health department to review the documentation in the binder. Mrs. Shears was only able to review 16 complete medical files for the campers and 2 complete files for the teachers. Mrs. David later attended the meeting and brought the complete first aid kit. Mrs. David advised me that the campers first date will now be July 2, 2018. The documentation in the binder was coming along. However, the binder was still missing information. Reviewing the documentation in the binder took longer than expected. There were documents that were still pending. Another inspection was schedule for 1pm at the Janis E. Dismus School on Friday."
(Readers should keep in mind that ESTEPNJ opened its doors to campers on June 25, 2018. The true character of Mrs. David has shown itself in her willingness to lie to state officials when it comes to the health and safety of our children. How is it that few people see this as a problem? How is it that the NJ School Ethics Commission seems mesmerized by Mrs. David's allegations that she is being bullied and that she is in effect the victim? Are they that impressed that her husband is a 25 year veteran Firefighter. Perhaps they do not know that this veteran Firefighter has a documented DWI on his record that he tried unusually hard to get out of saying that he was wronged. In other words, he also played the victim. One wonders what is going on within the Ethics Commission these days.)
June 29, 2018 - (Health Inspector Report Timeline) "On Friday, approx..11:30 am I received a call from Victoria Bauxbam, a former teacher at ESTEPNJ. She advised me that she has been calling everyone to file a complaint on a camp and I was the first live person she talked to. Ms. Bauxbam began telling me that her first day at the camp was Monday, June 25, 2018. and when she saw the conditions the kids were in, she had to quit that same day because she did not want to be held liable. I asked the Confidential Secretary Alisa Smith to listen in on speaker. Mrs. Bauxbaum advised us that the kids were being held in the gym and cafeteria all day long doing absolutely nothing, children under 5 years old are the location does not have the facilities required to change diapers. The kids were provided with pizza that was divided into 16 slices. There was one student who was given pizza that had a dairy allergy. The Campers were being kept in the auditorium with no air conditioner and no water all day long and the kids are being moved from the middle school to the high school. I immediately advised the Health Officer James Fedorko and we went to investigate. I contacted Mrs. Shears before I left the health department to let her know that we received a complaint that the camp is open and she told me that it is not true. They had registration in the beginning of the week, but the camp was not open. I told her that we were on our way to investigate. Mr. Fedorko and I arrived at the high school around 12:20 pm. We went straight to the main gym and did not see any kids from the outside through the windows. I decided to go to the main office while Mr. Fedorko went around the building to see if he spotted any kids. The secretary at the main office advised me that they had no knowledge of the campers at the high school. Mr. Fedorko met up with me at the main office and advised me that the security guard at the Academies school stated that there were kids in the auditorium and the cafeteria...
When we arrived at the auditorium door, it was dark inside and very quiet, we heard some whispering. When Mr. Fedorko tired to look into the auditoriums door window, we heard a very frightened lady yell "there is someone at the door." I immediately said "it's Jennifer from the health department." The door opened and the teacher told me that they are on lockdown because there was an intruder in the building. I could sense the fear in the teacher's voice as she told me that. I immediately became worried for my safety until I heard from behind me that it's only a drill. the frightened teacher said that it was not a drill, but the other people were telling me that it was. as I turned around I saw there were a lot of campers seated in the auditorium. I counted 96 kids. I asked one of the teachers where is Mr. & Mrs. David the camp and health director and she told me that they were not there. I advised the teacher that we were there because we received a complaint that the camp was operating and child abuse. I asked Mr. David where did he purchase the food and he advised me that he made it at home. I advised Mr. David that food can only be prepared from a commercial kitchen. Also, Mrs. David had assured me that the sandwiches were going to be catered from Shoprite. During the inspection the schools water fountain did not work, the cafeteria was air conditioned but the auditorium was not. The temperature in the auditorium was 77 degrees Fahrenheit around 4 pm. Mrs. Shears and Mrs. David had advised me that there were a total of 7 volunteers, 7 teachers, 16 counselors, and 76 kids. However, I only observed a total of 4 adults and one camp security guard before Mrs. David, Mr. David, and Mrs. Shears showed up. I explained to Mrs. David and Mrs. Shears that the camp must stay closed until all of the documentation is in order and the State performs their pre-opening inspection.
The Englewood Health Department also received a call from Janna Smith with allegations of deplorable conditions at the youth camp. She also state that Mrs. David called her and told her that she called intruder lockdown because she did not want the health department to find the campers."
June 29, 2018 - (5:19 PM) Director of the Englewood Department of Health, James Fedorko emailed Robert Kravitz, Superintendent of Schools to inform him that ESTEPNJ has opened "without passing a formal Camp Inspection:
(This writer has been diligently searching for answers as to how Superintendent Robert Kravitz responded to this very important communication from the Director of the Health Department. Did Robert Kravitz ignore this email, because it refers to misconduct engaged in by his employer, a Board of Education member? I was not satisfied with the response I got when I submitted an OPRA request trying to uncover how our Superintendent dealt with this very delicate situation. Did his job depend on him looking the other way? How did Mrs. David gain access to the auditorium in order to stage a intruder alert drill? Why is the Camp missing so many pertinent documents?)
July 2, 2018 - (Health Inspector Report Timeline) Jennifer Galarza documentation: "An inspection was done at the Dwight Morrow High School and the Janis E. Dismus School and no campers were observed."July 2, 2018 - @7:43 AM - Whistle Blower Janna Smith reported ESTEPNJ to the local and state officials:
The Police Department - Lawrence Suffern
The Health Department - James Fedorko Director Dept of Health, Jennifer Galarza (Health Inspector)
The City Manager - Ed Hynes, Catherine Melendez
The State Department of Health - Joel Muetter
The Englewood Board of Education - Robert Kravitz, Superintendent of Schools
The Star Ledger, Gannett
July 19, 2018 - Item 19-F-11 APPROVAL – SCHOOL FACILITIES RENTALS - Page 11 of 19
WHEREAS, the Englewood Public School District rents facilities to outside vendors per policy 7510; now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the Englewood Board of Education approves the following rentals:
Estep NJ 6/25/17-8/31/2018 Not to exceed an additional $7,500
( It is very important to note that the Camp was closed on June 29, 2018, because they opened without approval from state and local Health Officials. They added additional rental fees to ESTEPNJ's contract. Why?)
(Smith refers to the Camp as an "illegal Day Care" At the time ESTEPNJ only has a provisional license for a Youth Camp. ESTEPNJ Camp is not prepared to care for children in diapers. Yet there were at least 2 campers in diapers. The Camp did not pass the pre-opening inspection and were not given approval to open from the Health Department. I was told by the BA that the "Whistle Blower" complaint was sent to the City and the Health Department and not to the Board of Education. I do believe that the Superintendent is considered the Board of Education.)
July 3, 2018 - (Health Inspector Report Timeline) Jennifer Galarza documentation: "An inspection was done at the Dwight Morrow High School and the Janis E. Dismus School and no campers were observed."
July 10, 2018 - Wayne and Georgina Peters of Teaneck filed in smalls claims court against ESTEPNJ. They paid for the entire camp session, but were forced to enroll their child in another program, because of the problems ESTEPNJ had in opening and functioning. They were not even notified that the Camp was closing. They were owed $1,854.
July 16, 2018 - The Youth Camp Safety Detailed Data Sheet (local health Inspectors) for ESTEPNJ This document, as does the state list the address of the camp as 320 Tryon Avenue. The address of the Middle School is 325 Tryon Avenue. The address of where the 94 Campers were actually found is 274 Knickerbocker Rd., the high school auditorium.
Put the Superintendent in a
situation of conflict since
he recommended the Camp
to the BOE knowing full
well that it was a conflict
of interest for a School
Board Member to engage in
July 23, 2018 - Robert Kravitz forwarded Mrs. Angela David an email he received from Janna Smith suggesting that Angela David is falsely claiming to have a contract for food Services for ESTEPNJ with Pomptonian. Pomptonian is the Food service provider for the Englewood Public School District. This was used as Exhibit 6 in Angela's defensive response to Janna Smith's Ethics Complaint to The School Ethics Commission.
(Mrs. David clearly did not have a contract with Pomptonian at the
time that the children were discovered by the Health Department.
The Health Inspectors witnessed the children being fed from the
trunk of Darryl David's car. There was also a discrepancy in the
David's claim as to where the food was prepared. The document
from Pomptonian does includes only 2 weeks of lunch service.
We have discovered Pomptonian Documents for the weeks of
7/20/1018 and 7/27/2018
July 23, 2018 - Amy Jones Bulluck, Curtis E. Caviness, Rick Whilby
Thom Kelly, John Kelly, Dierdre Paul, Lucy Walker met with the
Executive County Superintendent in order to bring Stakeholder concerns regarding the mismanagement of the EPSD. Joseph Zarra, the Interim Executive Superintendent for Bergen County.
August 2, 2018 - The Englewood Health Department did a "spot check of ESTEPNJ"
Notes included along with a narrative from the Health Inspector which corroborates Janna Smith's story about the fake lockdown caused by Mrs. David.
ESTEPNJ informed the Health Dept. that it pays Pomptonian for 50 students
Lunch at 11:45 am
26 kids in gym and it was 88 degrees
A school desk was holding the door of the gym open
3 employees were missing references and Criminal Background checks
Employees told Inspector they applied for CBC on March 19, 2018
Nicole Walters had no file at all
Health Inspector contacted the NJ Dept. of Health and informed ESTEPNJ that 3 employees could not be in charge of any group of children. A conditional rating was issued until proper documentation was submitted.
August 3, 2018 - Janna Smith, the Whistle blowing camp counselor receives a letter w/that date from attorney Eric v. Kleiner, Esq. defending Darryl David against allegations of all who have reported the problems at the ESTEPNJ Camp.
(I really do not understand. The letter is copied to Pomptonian and gives Mark Vidovich's contact email address as Mark owns Pomptonian.)
(I really do not understand. The letter is copied to Pomptonian and gives Mark Vidovich's contact email address as Mark owns Pomptonian.)
August 7, 2018 The Whistleblower, Janna Smith filed an Ethics Complaint against Robert Kravitz, Superintendent of Schools alleging:
"In Count 1, Complainant alleges that although Respondent (the Superintendent) was aware that Angela David, a Board member, was involved in “running an unlicensed day camp, child neglect, and causing a false public alarm that is still under investigation by Englewood Police” Department, and knew about the “Englewood Health Officer’s findings” on June 29, 2018, he ignored this information and, thereby, violated N.J.S.A. 18A:12-24(a)."
August 9, 2018 - @ 4:40 pm Re-inspection - Retail food Establishment Spot Check Form
Paperwork in order for three and Nicole Walters, Security Guard Minor Counselor - Alexandro Rodriguez - paperwork in order
August 18, 2018 - 5:31 AM Vinetta Singletary wrote Board President, Molly Berry in an attempt to collect payment for her daughter for working in ESTEPNJ Camp.
August 18, 2018 - @ 11:03 PM President Molly Craig-Berry wrote Vinetta Singletary informing her that she had turned the matter over to the Board Attorney.
August 23, 2019 -
September 11, 2018 - The Department of Children and Family Services Institutional Abuse
Investigation Unit, Northern Region wrote … Re: Findings report in the matter of child neglect at The Englewood Summer Theatre Enrichment Program prior to July 20, 2018.
(Notice that Angela David is referred to as Owner/Director of the ESTEPNJ Camp. Mrs. David consistently claims that she is not the owner of the Camp and that it is her husband's Camp. There still exists the fact that there is a breach in Ethics when Mrs. David set out to rent Board of Education premises. In addition to all that, neither she nor her husband have the qualifications to be a Camp Director.)
(Notice that Angela David is referred to as Owner/Director of the ESTEPNJ Camp. Mrs. David consistently claims that she is not the owner of the Camp and that it is her husband's Camp. There still exists the fact that there is a breach in Ethics when Mrs. David set out to rent Board of Education premises. In addition to all that, neither she nor her husband have the qualifications to be a Camp Director.)
September 13, 2018 - The Superintendent recommended and the Englewood Board of Education voted on Resolution 19-F-36 - Page 7 of 12, the EPSD voted to give ESTEPNJ CAMP

Why did ESTEPNJ get a credit? The CAMP did not have approval from the state and local health officials to open. Does one get a credit for doing something wrong that could have caused harm to children?
(Mrs. David opened the Camp illegally and was given a credit when the Camp was closed by Health Department Officials. This, my friends, is what is called using your position on the Board to circumvent laws that would have been handled differently had Mrs. David not been a School Board Member. I would like to put the question to the public.
Why is it that ESTEPNJ gets a refund, while actively defrauding parents of their hard earned cash? How is it that ESTEPNJ gets a refund while other parents are forced to take her to court to recoupe their money so they can send their kids, who still need a camp, to another camp?

Mrs. David deceived the Staff of the Health Department on several occasions, based on their documentation of the events. She created a clever ruse in order to open the CAMP when she wanted to, with or without approval.
This was inappropriate. illegal conduct unbecoming on the part of the
School Board Member, Angela Midgette-David
who was the Camp Director. She knew darned well that she had the Camp already open, yet she lied through her teeth telling the Officials that she had reduced the number of Campers and that she was not going to open until July 2. All the while she was already open. If this had been just the average Joe, she would not have been allowed to re-open and we all know this. This credit plus the $4,800 down payment totaled $12,215.00. A balance of $12,535.00 remained to be paid. So Henry Pruitt and the Board Attorney would have us believe that this is the way all renters are treated? Well, I tested that theory and submitted requests for all facilities rentals for the last 3 years and made the comparisons. All other rental agreements have some type of signature. Why did no one require a signature on the School Facilities Rental Applications submitted by Mrs. Angela Midgette-David?
September 13, 2018 – At an EPSD School Board Meeting, Ms. Rose and Ms. Rodriguez made complaint
about Mrs. David and ESTEPNJ. They were allowed to speak for 6 minutes and
summarize before being told by the Board attorney that ESTEPNJ has nothing to do with the Board of Education, they just rented the building. Henry Pruitt,
another Board Member commented when it was his turn that the Board had nothing
to do with the actions of the Camp. Minutes in the Englewood BOE agenda October 18, 2018 page 3 of 14. The agenda documents the complaint made to the entire School Board regarding the ESTEPNJ Camp.
(The Board Attorney made the statement below that is not substantiated in fact. There was no "contract" between the Board and ESTEPNJ. I submitted an OPRA request for a copy of this contract after reading the minutes of October 18, 2018. I was told that there was no such contract. There was only an incomplete application that is unsigned by anyone. Henry Pruitt, a Board Member at the time asserts that, there was no special treatment and that they followed procedure. So "procedure" is that no signatures are on the application and that all persons renting the facilities are allowed to go months without paying the rental fee? Did Mrs. David's ineptness in running a Camp put all Board Members and others in a bad position?
Mr. McKeever – "I want to make sure it’s clear that
NJ EStep program is not an Englewood
educational program. NJ EStep has a contract with the Board to use the facilities."Mr. Pruitt - 19-F-37 There is a rental associated with a Board member. I want to clarify that we followed procedure and it was treated like a normal rental. There was no special treatment. We followed normal practice.
As per NJ Law Mrs. David is NOT allowed to have a contract with the Englewood Board of Education since she is serving on the Board.
18A:12-2. Inconsistent interests or office prohibited
No member of any board of education shall be interested directly or indirectly in any contract with or claim against the board, nor, in the case of local and regional school districts, shall he hold office as mayor or as a member of the governing body of a municipality, nor, in the case of county special services school districts and county vocational school districts, shall he hold office as a member of the governing body of a county.
L.1967, c.271; amended by L.1981, c. 23, s. 1, eff. Feb. 6, 1981.
(Note that the BA is clear in stating that a signed contract does not exist. this is in direct contrast to what the Board Attorney alleges. Based on information obtained via OPRA request Mr. Pruitt does not have the correct information either. Other rentals contain signatures and rental amounts, including down payment amounts.)
September 17, 2018 @ 2:27 pm – V. Singletary wrote again
suggesting that she was seeking legal advice because she was being ignored by the Board President whom she had written regarding the issue of her child not getting paid by ESTEPNJ.
September 17, 2018 – A certified letter was sent to Darryl David
(Angela’s husband and partner in the ESTEPNJ Youth Camp from the BA at the Englewood
Board of Education trying to collect $12,535.00 with a threat of taking the
appropriate steps to collect the rental fee. This letter was from the Business
Administrator to Darryl David with no one copied.
(Is Mrs. David using her position on the BOE to escape payment of the Facilities Rental Fee. It is not the fault of anyone other than Mrs. David herself that she did not clear enough cash to pay the BOE rental fee. She was closed down for 2 weeks because she opened without pre-inspection from the state and local Health Officials. She actually hid the fact that she opened on June 25 and not the time that she was assuring the Health Department that she would open. She hid 96 children in the HS Auditorium under the guise of having a drill for an intruder alert. Why would one move 96 children during a drill for an intruder alert? I worked in Public Education for 30 years. An intruder alert requires "a shelter in place". Moving that many children would be putting them in danger for their lives.)
This letter condemns Mrs. David. It does not exonerate her. What was the School Ethics Commission thinking when they allowed it into evidence to defend her?
This letter condemns Mrs. David. It does not exonerate her. What was the School Ethics Commission thinking when they allowed it into evidence to defend her?

October 3, 2018 - Janna Smith vs. Angela Midgette-David, Complaint with the School Ethics Commission was served on Respondent (Angela David), via regular and certified mail, notifying her that charges were filed against her with the Commission, and advising that she had twenty (20) days to file a responsive pleading.
October 3, 2018 – Another certified letter was sent by Attorney
Mckeever to Darryl David advising him of the amount owed and explaining that
the balance of $12,535.00 must be paid
giving 30 days to respond. This communication was CC’d to Superintendent Robert
Kravitz, and the Business Administrator, Cheryl Balletto.
October 3, 2018 - Janna Smith's Complaint was served on Respondent Robert Kravitz, via regular and certified mail, notifying him that charges were filed against him with the Ethics Commission, and advising that he had twenty (20) days to file a responsive pleading.
October 18, 2018 - Janna Smith vs. Robert Kravitz, Respondent, Robert Kravitz filed a Motion to Dismiss in Lieu of Answer (Motion to Dismiss), and also alleged that the Complaint is frivolous.
Let us just say that there
are no rocket Scientists
on the Ethics Commission.
Is this really how you answer
an Ethics complaint?
November 2, 2018 - Angela David failed to file a responsive pleading and was advised that failure to file a responsive pleading by November 15, 2018, could result in the Commission deciding the matter in a summary manner.
November 9, 2018 - Janna Smith's answer to Kravitz's motion to dismiss and to fine her $500. The Commission found that the complaint was not frivolous, because there is no evidence that Janna Smith filed the complaint with malice.
November 16, 2018 - Respondent, Angela Midgette David filed a Motion to Dismiss in Lieu of Answer (Motion to Dismiss).
December 17, 2018 - Janna Smith vs. Robert Kravitz Complainant, Janna Smith filed a Response to the Motion to Dismiss.
November 16, 2018 - Janna Smith vs. Robert kravitz, Complainant filed a Response to the Motion to Dismiss and to the allegation of frivolous filing.
November 11, 2018 - Janna Smith vs. Robert Kravitz The Ethics Complaint against Robert Kravitz
filed by Janna Smith (the whistle blower) whom she claimed made calls to her
current employer that caused her termination was dismissed. Janna Smith, the complainant consented to a dismissal of the allegations that Robert Kravitz, Respondent violated N.J.S. A 18A:12-24 (a)
December 18, 2018 - Janna Smith vs. Robert Kravitz - the Commission considered the filings in the matter of Janna Smith vs. Robert Kravitz and the counter filing of Robert Kravitz vs. Janna Smith.
January 22, 2019
– Janna Smith vs. Robert Kravitz the School Ethics Commission discussed
granting the Motion to Dismiss in its entirety for failure to plead sufficient,
credible facts to support a finding that Respondent violated N.J.S.A.
18A:12-24.1(a) (Count 1 and Count 2), N.J.S.A. 18A:1224.1(b) (Count 4 and Count
5), and/or N.J.S.A. 18A:12-24.1(f) (Count 3 and Counts 6-8. The Commission also voted to find the Complaint "not frivolous", and to deny Respondent’s request for sanctions.
(The Commission did not find that Janna Smith Harassed or bullied Robert Kravitz in any way and Janna Smith was not fined the $500 that is charged to a claimant due to a frivolous complaint. One may assume from this that there is a difference between a frivolous complaint and a complaint containing allegations that one failed to prove.)
(Keep in mind that this dismissal did not prove that Robert Kravitz was not in some way manipulated, coerced or in some other way persuaded to make the call that got Janna Smith fired. It just means that Janna Smith could not prove that it happened in the way that she alleges. Not withstanding, none of this would have happened and none of this Drama would have come into being to distract the Superintendent, the BA, the Attorney or the Board, if Mrs. David had not violated elements of 18A:12-24 and 18A:12-2 Inconsistent Interests or office prohibited actions. Again, how could the employees of the District have prevented or discouraged Mrs. Angela Midgette-David from renting Board of Education facilities for her Camp? The application, which the BA alleges is NOT a contract was not signed by anyone. What could the employees of the District, including the Superintendent, the BA, the Board Attorney, the Building Principal and the Board of Education have done differently? It is a question that needs to be answered by the Commissioner of Education.)
January 24, 2019 – An $8,000 check was written to EPSD to
benefit The ESTEPNJ CAMP from Visions Federal Credit Union.
January 28, 2019 – Another letter is sent by McKeever marked for
purposes of Settlement only. This letter is written to Angela David, not her
husband Darryl. This letter gives Angela and her husband a chance to dispute
the charges and gives them a payment plan.

January 28, 2019– EPSD acknowledged receipt of $8,000 from
Angela’s ESTEPNJ company and deposits it in the General Fund of EPSD.
(This amount does not represent 1/2 of the total rental amount of $24, 750 rental agreement. The mere fact that this amount does not represent one half of the total amount suggests that Mrs. David is indeed deriving special privileges, because of her position on the School Board. The full amount was supposed to be paid 30 days after the rental agreement was approved. That was April of 2018. Is Mrs. David the one who is guilty of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying and not the woman who blew the whistle on her? Seems the Whistle Blower quit and told all, because she feared for the safety of Englewood children?)

February 9, 2019 –
Angela Midgette – began texting that she had
a lien on Janna Smith’s, the
whistle blower's home at 8:20 am. I have interviewed Janna Smith and
a lien on Janna Smith’s, the
whistle blower's home at 8:20 am. I have interviewed Janna Smith and
needless to
say, Angela Midgette -David does not have a lien on
Janna Smith's home.
(Since I started my own investigation, Angela has also threatened to put
a lien on my home and take my house. Is Mrs. David predisposed to
threats against the real estate of those who oppose her, because of the
situation with her own home?)
situation with her own home?)
February 26, 2019 - Janna Smith vs. Angela Midgette-David...
The Commission voted to grant the Motion to Dismiss in its
entirety because Complainant failed to plead sufficient, credible facts
to support a finding that Respondent violated N.J.S.A. 18A:1224.1(a)
(Count 1 and Count 2), N.J.S.A. 18A:12-24.1(b)
(Count 4 and Count 5), and/or N.J.S.A. 18A:12-24.1(f) (Count 3 and Counts 6-8).
The Commission voted to grant the Motion to Dismiss in its
entirety because Complainant failed to plead sufficient, credible facts
to support a finding that Respondent violated N.J.S.A. 18A:1224.1(a)
(Count 1 and Count 2), N.J.S.A. 18A:12-24.1(b)
(Count 4 and Count 5), and/or N.J.S.A. 18A:12-24.1(f) (Count 3 and Counts 6-8).
February 26, 2019 - The Hackensack Daily Voice got hold of the "Whistle Blower Email". Let us just suffice it to say that all hell broke loose with Mrs. David calling the Daily Voice with all kinds on objections. Is that really how it works? Do elected Officials intimidate Journalists into writing or NOT writing true events that are news? I posted the article on one of my Facebook groups and this is what Mrs. David thought of that action.

March 29, 2019 -
Angela Midgette-David's house
is listed for sale.
April 2, 2019 - Angela Midgette-David's
house is listed for sale again.
May 7, 2019 - Did someone on the Board anger Angela Midgette-David? Perhaps it is the impending dilemma of how she is going to pay the rental fees for her failed Youth Camp that causes her to go on a text spree that berates her fellow Board Members where she even suggests that she fears for her life from "the actor" who supposedly threw a fit in closed session.
What is this emergency filing of an Ethics Complaint is she talking about? We find no record of any such action documented at the county. Did one of the Board Members actually threaten Mrs. David's life? Why is Mrs. Angela Midgette-David is discussing Personnel issues with members of the Community in a negative way.
May 20, 2019 – An email thread was started by
Elizabeth Schwartz in which a plan to silence a group of Englewood residents
was hatched. I am one of those Residents.
(It seems that Mrs. Schwartz considers Residents who attend School Board meetings demanding resources for their children and the students of Englewood as being disrespectful or antisemitic. Disagreement signifies antisemitism and disrespect to her. Note that Mrs. Schwartz was one of Angela Midgette David's running mates. They were billed as the Mothers Who Know Best. Meanwhile, Mrs. Schwartz spends the majority of her time during BOE meetings on her phone. During one of the many trainings conducted by the NJSBA field Rep Matt Lee, she stood in the corner by the door most of the time on her phone totally ignoring the training. Talk about being disrespectful. We had to watch that. On another occasion, Mrs. Schwartz got aggravated with a Parent who asked her to put her phone away and invited her outside. In our culture, inviting someone outside during a verbal altercation generally means that person is "ready to fight".)

(As one may see below, it was Angela
David who shared the email in a text to a Community Member. Again, Mrs. David is manipulating other BOE Members to get what she wants. Chaos?)
May 22, 2019 – Cheryl Rosenberg, 1st Ward
Councilwoman asked to be removed from the email thread created by Elizabeth Schwartz which was designed to silence members of the African American Community. I was one of the persons to be silenced.
May 21, 2019
- The Davids are being sued by the Englewood Board of Education. A summons was mailed to the Davids including the oldest daughter Brianna for
Case DC-008347-19. Unless otherwise notified, this Case will default on July 1,
2019. The Davids are being sued by the
Board of Education of Englewood. The Davids failed to honor the settlement
payment plan; As of May 21, 2019 $4,535.00 remained due and owning to EPSD.
May 25, 2019
– The summons was delivered to the Davids at 2:41 pm at their home address.
1, 2019
– The Davids were to have answered the summons by mail or hand delivery to the
amount owed the Board includes the remainder of the rental fee, a filing fee, a
service fee, and attorney’s fees. The EPSD is seeking a total of $5,617.00. As far as I know, the Davids did not answer the summons.
July 29, 2019 - Monday, Angela Midgette-David filed her petition to run for re-election to the Englewood Board of Education.
Naptime at Camp ESTEPNJ |
October 15, 2019 - The League of Women Voters sponsored a Board of Education Candidates Forum. We were all surprised to learn that Mrs. Angela Midgette-David now has a Doctorate Degree from St. Thomas University. Where did Mrs. David find the time in the last 3 years, and the money to pay for a Doctorate's Degree? September 12, 2019 she did not have $206.00 to pay her fine when pleading guilty to a lesser charge.
A friend forwarded me this exchange with Angela Midgette-David. This communication confirmed my suspicions that Angela will say anything to bring people into her corner and convince them that she is the victim.
For instance, Angela is only a few years older than my daughter. There is no way she could have rented my husband and I a house owned by Irving Jones Jr. She would have been less than 10 years old during the time that I was with my ex-husband.
#1 The only house that I have ever rented, I live in right now.
#2 I purchased this house in 1980, a full ten years before Irving purchased his first house. My husband and I divorced in 1974.
#3 Irving Jones Jr. and I graduated from DMHS in 1969. We have known each other over 50 years.
#4 Angela Midgette-David would have to be the youngest Real Estate Agent in the world to have rented me a house with my Ex husband since we separated in the fall of 1969, the same year we were married, and he moved to Texas.
compass? Does she have a sense of loyalty
to anyone that she knows or works with? In
this exchange, she accuses the three men who
having extra marital affairs with my protege',
whomever that is. Her language is highly suggestive
and one wonders what the purpose of this exchange
really was. For some reason, she was convinced that
Amy Jones Bulluck was going to run for the Board of
Education against her.
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